Sunday, July 13, 2008

God is an American?

Funny thing happened at work today.......

A while back I let it slip that I am an atheist. Uh oh, it seemed my suspicion that there were other atheists in my midst was sorely misplaced. Anywho, cut to today and I happen upon a "joke" that someone at work had printed out and just left on a table

A college professor, an avowed atheist and active in the ACLU, was
teaching his class. He shocked several of his students when he flatly stated that once and for all he was going to prove there was no God.

Addressing the ceiling he shouted: "GOD, if you are real, then I want you to knock me off this platform. I'll give you exactly 15minutes!!!!!

The lecture room fell silent. You could hear a pin drop.

Ten minutes went by. "I'm waiting God, if you're real knock me off this platform!!!!"

Again after 4 minutes, the professor taunted God saying, "Here I am,
God!!! I'm still waiting!!!"

His count down got down to the last couple of minutes when a SEAL, Just released from the Navy after serving in Afghanistan and Iraq and newly registered in the class, walked up to the Professor.

The SEAL hit him full force in the face, and sent the Professor tumbling from his lofty platform. The Professor was out cold!! The students were stunned and shocked. They began to babble in confusion. The SEAL nonchalantly took his seat in the front row and sat silent. The class looked at him and fell silent...waiting.

Eventually, the professor came to and was noticeably shaken. He looked at the SEAL in the front row. When the professor regained his senses and could speak he asked: "What the hell is the matter with you? Why did you do that"?

"God was really busy, protecting America's soldiers, who are protecting your right to say stupid stuff and act like an asshole, so he sent me!!"

OK......are you done laughing yet?

Did you know that God was an American?
I didn't. I always thought that God created humans,
not Americans. Seems odd that he would protect only those born in the old USA.

Of course I didn't know Jesus spoke English either. Back in the 1920s Miriam "Dubya" Ferguson, Governor of Texas
, was reported to have said "If the King's English was good enough for Jesus Christ, it's good enough for the children of Texas!"

When I sometimes ask myself if I'm not just overreacting to other's beliefs, this kind of thing just gets under my skin.


RR said...

Hey... just found your blog... I'll be sure and check back (and list it on my own!) ...

You gotta love these believers: silly stories and caricatures are supposed to convince you that god is real... or at least make you feel like an outsider for not believing.

An Qiang said...

Thanks rr,

I see from your profile that you are from out west, and I'm just curious about the level of religious belief in your area. Do you find it hard to connect with people who are also secular?
Are people in general open about their unbelief or is it still a taboo....

Just curious